This week has been a good week for A5. I have identified some minor changes which can be applied to give the website more impact. I am slowly working my way through these. I have applied some but I admit there are errors in some areas of the site which has been uploaded to the server. Please do not comment these things as I am aware of them and working my way through.
I have also changed the URL to where mywebsite is. You can get the most up-to-date version here.
Finally a timed task! I am really starting to like the idea of these timed tasks. They are stressful towards the end but you get a great sign of achievement at the end of the mini task.
I would have liked to have done more of these tasks which make up A6, as the bigger the portfolio of these tasks become the easier it will be to accurately record and see progression.
Below are the tasks so far:

Since the draft was in I have changed the layout of my hand out. Not so much a great change but enough to make it more attractive in a way I can easily manage the content in a more structured way. I have used A3 paper which is only ¾ in width folded into three.
This week I am going to have to think of a way to extend the amount of space I have within the leaflet. I am reluctant to make it the full width of an A3 as the shape is not very inspiring and would make it very wide.
The test-run of the presentation today, which went so much better than I thought it would. I did not trip up as much as I did when I was practicing it at home. And when I did I quickly gained it back.
I noticed (and so did Steve) that all through the presentation I was playing with the rivet on my jeans (just above my pocket).
This week I am going to spend quite some time on my A1 assignment as I feel I am getting behind again. I am going to add some different layout ideas, photographs and some new typefaces I have seen.
I think it's the case that everyone's getting to enjoy the timed tasks now- even if they are stressful towards the end (especially this week's for me)!
With regards to your Vodafone ad, on the whole it looks good, but there are a couple of things I'd point out. These concern spacing.
Firstly, I think the 'Online Digital Designer' would look better if it was positioned directly between the logo and the text. As it is, it's closer to the text. The other issue is the positioning of the contact details. They seem a bit close to the text, and also start a bit lower than the text. This should really be aligned, I think.
The repetition of the logo in the background is a really nice touch, and adds a lot to the design.
Hi Gary,
I really do like all your designs from the timed tasks and especially the repetition of the logo on the Vodafone ad.
It good that you noticed you were playing with the rivet during the presentation, this means that you will be able to stop yourself from doing stuff like that in the proper one.
My bad habit was brushing my fringe out of my face and I wasn’t aware I was doing it. So I need to be more aware of what I do in the real one.
Of your designs, I really like the Vodafone one the best. The idea of sitting the logo image in the background is a really nice touch and it doesn't take the attention away from the original purpose of the advertisement.
Fiddling with items of clothing seem to be a popular thing in our class during presentations. Mine was putting my hands in my pocket to which steve suggested I wear trousers without pockets?
Taking this suggestion further, do you have any trousers without rivets?
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