Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Well we are back to normality at last. I'd like to say it has been a relaxing and enjoyable break, saddly not.... I was also quite missing the place. Reading week was quite an enjoyable and creative week so I was eager to get going with the next tasks.

Logo Design

I thought it would have been more difficult to design logos than I am currently finding it. Once you get into sketching the rough ideas your designs become quite fluid and dynamic. I think I have got quite a bit to work with but will continue to do another page or two.

I have started sketching out ideas in my sketchbook for use as a logo for the Electronic/experimental record label, EMIT. To start with  I am working with just a black pen to work work with the shapes and build up a foundation. Later in the development of some of these ideas I will be producing them with more accuracy and procession which will allow me to identify more easily what will and will not work.

I will then bring colour into the designs.

Below is just a few of the sketches I have drawn up so far, please let me know what you think, if I'm you have any pointers i'd be really grateful.
The thing I am most struggling with is the fact I have a design I really like and I want to progress it. However I am going to stick at the initial development as you never know I may find something I like better!

Tasks for the rest of the week
  • More rough designs for logos
  • Choose to develop a seriese of logos
  • Add colour to devceloped logo
  • Experiment in drawing applications
  • Print examples of logos from Steve's Presentation
Thank you very much Shaun for finding the link to the royal mail website!


Craig Burgess said...

Don't get stuck in the trap of really liking a design so early on. Do a few more pages of logo sketches first, show some people your idea that you like, and ask them if they think it's suitable for the target audience. If the general consensus is that it isn't, or they just don't like it, forget about it.

In fact, just forget about it full stop right now. I was similar to you at your stage, and I very nearly settled on a logo very early on. I'm glad I didn't now, because I came up with a far better logo at the very end of the development process that suited the target audience much more.

Just stick at it, and don't forget to keep exploring different avenues. Think outside of the box: How could I say this differently? What is the company's name in a different language? Do they have any values I can visualise? What does the name mean?

Gary Benn said...

Hey Craig, Thanks for the tips. I will bear it all in mind. I will certainaly continue to develop the idea ideas before choosing one to develop.

The hardest part is to let go of something you liked.

Thanks again.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Gary

The designs that you have done are really interesting. I think that the typographical solutions (with graphical elements) has been the approach that most people have adopted first off; I am very keep to see any graphical solutions that anyone else has come up with.

I am trying to get my hands on a scanner to upload some of the work that I have done.

Talk to you soon

Shaun Bellis

Michelle Bonfield said...

I'm still in favour of the design in the top right hand corner, it definitely has the most impact and follows the principles we discussed.

Now you have that under your belt why not try something completely random to break your fixation.Maybe go for an image based logo to avoid duplicating your favoured idea.