Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Logos Logos Logos

It has been quite a frustrating week. I can honestly say I hate logo design. Although at the same time I like it. It has been a big challenge. Today’s seminar session for some of us was quite an intense feedback session and I have received some valuable feedback.

I am happy that the 3 designs I liked the most hav

e been deemed as the most appropriate but all needing much more development. I am going to post up on the forum the three designs also adding development in.
I get the feeling that the logo (pictured below) has somewhat tickled the liking of Steve, providing more work and development is done. The problem with how it stands now is the fact it resembles the letter C which I think this is shown in my initial development (also below) how I came to this idea.

I need to put back the integrity of the E footprint and will experiment this week with how I can do this. I currently have a few ideas on how I can do this.

Today’s lectureette on Corporate Style Guides has made me slightly more relaxed about the idea of it. In knowing what they actually look like and what information needs to be in them. I am actually feeling quite confident and am looking forward to doing it this week.

I see it as a great opportunity to practice my page layout and design skills. With this I also have a lot of ideas whizzing round on how I can lay out the information.

Things to do in this week’s self study:

  • Give feedback on logos to the people in my seminar group who did not get time for as much feedback as was fair.
  • Develop Logo
  • Experiment with colour schemes for logo
  • Corporate style guide plans
  • Type face research

Any feedback you can give would be most appreciated, also please don’t forget to see the post below.


Tom Smith said...

Gary, I'm feeling exactly the same about logo design at the moment. It really is a love/hate relationship. Like I said to Sue, I think a major problem is my relative unfamiliarity with this kind of music. It makes it quite difficult to design for it.

I'm really feeling a bit stuck at the moment, having not got much feedback in the seminar group on Tuesday, I'm not sure which logo is the best to go on with. Or whether I need to scrap them all and move back to the ideas stage. I really am stuck! Hopefully you can develop your ideas further and get something which really suits the breif's needs.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Gary,

whilst I think that the unit as a whole everyone is enjoying, we are all experiencing the same 'teething problems' during these early stages.

I don't really want to repeat the feedback I gave during seminar class other than to say that I think that you have the right mind set for this stage of the project and that I am sure if you keep 'chipping' away then you wont go far wrong.


Shaun Bellis

Suzanne Hullah said...

I think the biggest problem with logo designs is we're all forgetting the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle. We're trying too hard to think of something clever when it doesn't need to be.

Andrew said...

One thing I think you need to start thinking about is brand recognition; your logo at the moment says C to me, it doesn't really have the E vibe unless you put the 'mit' words in. Even then, think about when the logo will be small and the small words won't really be visable properly, it might just look like a messy line.

I also feel it's abit generic, it doesn't really relate to the company as such, it could be the logo for anything from a sandwich shop to a football team. Maybe work on making it abit more specific to the client.

John Browne said...

Progress has been made and you seem to be getting on with on with this assigment quite well. The chosen logo design has its own unique flavour to be part of the emit design. But agreeing with Mr Whelan, I think it would be a realy great idea to give it its own recognition, allowing it to look more like the letter E.

Sure you can slip in the letters to make it a noticable design, but in this case I think it would be interesting to see how it could look with out the concluding letters, and sticking with just E as its recognition.

James Bell said...

Out the logos you showed in this weeks seminar group this was definitely strongest. With a couple of the other logos it would be difficult to recognise the company name 'emit' without knowing who they are.

Once you have developed it and made the 'e' more recognisable it will work really well and there should be a problem with things such as; reducing it down to really small sizes.