Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Blame it on the music....

The last 7 days have been quite stressfull to say the least. I have been lost and feeling numb about the whole unit. I really enjoyed the first part with the style quide ect. But I knew I would feel like this when it came to the CD artwork. I was dreading it.

Feeling like this has, in my opinion stumped my open mind and creativity to it and has had a knock on effect to my performance. When discussing this with Steve this morning he had a consern about the Cultural studies next year. As far as I understand how that works is not a problem I can be quite creative when left to do something like that. But with the openness of this unit but to pull it all back to a spcific purpose from the beginning is where I struggle. I don’t expect that to make too much sense but I don’t really understand myself.

It was always going to be a hard task as the music is so diverse. It can be, and of course with most music, it is interperated on a personal level. In other words it will mean different things to different people acording to their own life experiences. This makes it quite hard to design for.

Again with the logo design I got fixated on a single design, which I was really getting into. I know I MUST try to stop myself doing this. I’m actually quite annoyed with myself to let it happen again. No matter how hard I tried to get it out of my head the designs were all the same. I think it is a natural reaction and most people will probably go though this, if not in design in everyday life. If we fear something so much we will try and block it out. The quote comes to mind, its different but so true and is very similar:

“When Something is too overwhelming, too painful, we deny it, we choose to believe something else.”

When I got back into college Steve set me off on another track (no pun intended). Another way of getting Ideas. It cerainally worked. I have come up with something I’m happy with.

The concept: Taking one of the track names, plexus. Which refers to the nervous system. I think this is an exelent starting point. Afteral everything from our emotions have something to do with the nervous system. Some parts of the CD have an eerie and sinister feel to them.

Below is the Digipack outer, it is still in development and needs some work.

Any feedback would be apriciated. The typefaces are going to be changed slightly over the course of the week.

Also this week I am going to make some slight changes and modifications in order to clear the academic hoops set out quite spcifficly in the assesment criteria.

Also over the course of the week I will be posting amendments on the forum and via eMail.


Tom Smith said...

As you said, music can be interpreted differently by different people. It therefore can be difficult to design for. What I did was looked at a few reviews of my CD online, which helped give me some more perspectives on the music. Amazingly, they were similar to my perceptions, which kind of reinforced the ideas I had. Perhaps this could be a good idea for you too.

I'm not sure about your spine being a different colour on the Digipak® Outer. I think it looks a bit strange. You also need to include the Artist and Album titles on there. I'm glad you're looking for a new font. I think in a print unit like this we need to take advantage of the opportunity to investigate different typefaces.

Gary Benn said...

Thanks for your feedback.

I haven't forgotten the Spine. I originally put that band down there incase there is not enough contrast between the image and text. Also to show where it is at this stage. Ill be working into the designs over this week. Ill post them back up soon.

Ill take a look at some other reviews.


Michelle Bonfield said...

I think you've come up with a very interesting image Gary which has been developed well and takes into account the assessment criteria. The only thing I'd be tempted to do (after changing the typeface) would be to try shifting it to the bottom right hand corner on the front of the cd. This will give it a better balance with the lighter area of the image at the top left corner.

Mark Torrington said...

The design you have created I guess is related to blood and the movement
within your body. Although the deep red works well, it might be worth while introducing other images into the shadow areas.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Gary,

I too have suffered from the creativity block; fortunately it appears to be lifting and my designs are coming on nicely (be it in my sketcbook).

You hit the nail on the head when you said that the perception of the music is down to interpretation; but I think that is the whole point of the unit. It is supposed to be challenging and to center around designing for something that we may not like.

Andrew said...

I like the concept you've come up with here, I'm abit worried that you stumbled on it maybe my accident and by messing around with different things on photoshop. Instead of developing it on paper first then moving on to the CD design, and creating the one sketched out to the specifications. Don't forget about this key developmental stage in the assignment. Though I do think the CD image creates a Miasma effect, to the imagery between the name and design is there.

I'm not going to touch on the font too much, I think everyone's already pointed it out enough. Just becareful with your alignments and where you put the text.