Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Ill have to think about this title and edit later?

This week has been very stressful so far. I think it has been a wake-up point for realization of how little time I have left to finish the assignments. Although three weeks may seem a lot, there is a lot to be completed for next Tuesday’s seminar group.

Things to do for next week:
• Web content
• Screen Design
• Site Structure
• Assets list
• Budget Statement

Yesterday I started on the content and I am now feeling more confident about it than I did at the start of the assignment. It takes along time, yes, more than expected. But it is quite easy to do. The longest thing about it is the research and trying damn hard to get it under the word limit.

I am quite concerned that I will mess this one up and I don’t know why. I think the main thing I’m worried about is A4. It doesn’t seem like an assignment. There has to be more to it than what I have done so far.

The exercise with the business cards has been very useful to get the design ideas out. I am going to try and put it into practice for A3. I think that will give me of a ground for development, as that was one of my downfalls of A2. It was like tunnel vision I did the development in only one area and didn’t develop anything else but my final idea. I had chosen my final design too early.

Over the course of the week I am going to post another enter and include some of my design work for A3 for comments. This post isn’t flowing very well and doesn’t seem to want to come out of my head.


Tom Smith said...

I intended to finish the content and get onto the screen designs last week, but didn't manage to. The content ended up taking me almost 20 hours.

I think I'm going to struggle to get everything done that Steve wants to talk about at the seminar groups next Tuesday- but screen designs are my priority.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hey Gary

You appear to have good sense of direction with the assignments in hand.

You are right, there is a lot to do for next week but I think that we all know what we need to do and how we need to do it.

With my first attempt at the A2 assignment now out of the way I feel much more confident to progress through the others.

The creative projects that we had had recently [the timed business card creation] really had the attention of the class.

It was very interesting to see how peoples ideas developed from our first attempt and the second.


Shaun Bellis

John Browne said...

From reading through it seems you dont seem to like the idea of how much is to be done for next week. Might I suggest something. Take a look at James Bells blog and read the part about incorporating Monday and Tuesday mornings task in to our screen designs.

Think speedy, work fast create 1 design per minute....

Julian Dyer said...

This part of the year is probably the hardest part of the course in the first year. There is a high quantity of work to do, a lot of new stuff to learn and also some challenging design tasks in both assignments.

If you’re feeling under a lot of pressure to get the work done, there is only one thing you can really do – sit down and plough through it. You’ll feel a lot more optimistic once you’ve got a lot of work done.

I think you should try and get the content and essay work done at home, and do the rest of the web plan and design work at college, so that you can get some feedback on the graphical stuff. If you do this you’ll maximise the opportunity to get a decent finished product, while completing the academic bulk of the project.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I think out of everything that is due for next week, the assets list is the one thats going to take the most time (apart from screen designs of course!). By next week, I hope to have enough feedback to develop my final design and get it drawn up in the actual assignment, whether this will be ready for the seminar group or not is another thing.

Development was a part of A2 that I was weak with and this time I've set myself a time limit to draw ideas up, this way they'll be off the top of my head! Fingers crossed it works!

Gary Benn said...

Thankyou for your comments everyone.

I have been working very fast on the thumbnails since Monday's lectures. I have posted another blog entry this week containing a scan of a layout idea if anyone would like to post any comments they would be VERY welcome.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.