Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Pixel By Pixel

The image restoration has not been the most interesting task I have had to do so far; As you work on it becomes a very tedious task, doing the same thing over and over again multiplied by several millions. I think it would benefit to being a task which is worked on in relatively short bursts of no more than one hour at a time. I think this will give some resistance to the urge of rushing it to get it completed. It will also allow your eyes to have some rest as they are just constantly looking at the screen with a great deal of concentration.

On A3 I spent Monday trying to conduct a competitive analysis and couldn’t find the words to write. I just didn’t know where to start. As the afternoon went on it got harder and harder to focus. As soon as I got home I found it so much easier to complete, it was like having digital diarrhoea and the words just wouldn’t stop falling out of my fingers onto the keyboard. The word count for it was about 800 by the time I had finished it, there are still some aspects that I want to go back into and add more. And will do that over the course of the week.

There are a few things that need adjusting in my web plan, such as the goals, a little rewording is needed there and referencing more. On my last assignment I apparently made a mess of the Web hosting comparison therefore I need to build on this area and get it perfect. I did wait for this weeks seminar groups to get a little feedback on how is should approach it, I have taken some comments and if anyone else wants to make any feedback on how to conduct this section of the plan please feel free to leave any comments.

Well I do have to say, the coming of iPhone into my life – My dream date – I has changed the way I communicate, turn my alarm clock off in a morning and listen to “Dolly”! I have noticed for some reason I have been able to get myself out of bed, which I usually have a great deal of difficulty doing. The alarm sound is MUCH more annoying at 6am! The design by apple has always, in my opinion excelled on every product. And if anyone knows what company designs the packaging design for apple I would be very interested to know as I see as the best thing about any apple product.


Tom Smith said...

'Digital diarrhoea'... nice.

Glad you managed to get the competitive analysis right in the end though. It's strange how often that happens... one minute it's impossible to write something, but then soon it's impossible to stop.

I think it's the same for us all having to rewrite bits of the web plan, but it's not a major issue. Having the backbones there at this time is most important.

Greg Carrick said...

I had the exact same problem as you on Monday, I just couldn’t write anything, but what made it worse was I still couldn’t think of anything to say when I got home.

I’m glad you’re enjoying your iPhone that much and I have to say I’m jealous that you have one!

Mark Torrington said...

To limit the monotonous retouching sequences, try using the dust and scratch filter. Located under (Filter > Noise > Dust and scratch), it should allow you to the opportunity to remove the little irritating cracks in the photograph, before using the clone stamp and healing tools.

Gary Benn said...

Thanks for that Mark. I really never thought about using the filters! that could safe a little time!

Andrew said...

Personally I think the 'dust and scratch' tool is abit destructive and takes away some of the original detail, as it is hard for it to decipher which is dust and which is just detail. This is something you can't really take shortcuts in, especially if you want to produce great results in the end.

Try not think of this as a tedious task, think more of what the finished article will look like so you have a goal to work towards; hopefully this will make you abit more eager.

The competitive analysis is quite an important part, make sure you've definately got it right before hand in.

Michelle Bonfield said...

Gary you are not alone! Even though I love photographs and photoshop I become easily distracted and bored!

As with most things I have to feel I have autonomy, even if I really don't! I believe its our creative streak, so rather then fight it embrace it.

Structure the task so you feel you're in control, or set mini tasks you can move between. This applies for the writers block too. I have great trouble concentrating some times in class, especially on written tasks. But often just brainstorming or scribbling down my thoughts (any thoughts) helps. At least this vents the frustration and starts productivity.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.