Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Are we artists or are we designers?

The Idea that design is separated from art has been mulled around the creative industry for quite some time. I feel that the areas are so close together to be segregated. It is in my opinion that they overlap seamlessly.

Design goes through a very similar development process to art, where as artists have to make design decisions every day.

I didn’t like this essay one bit. Usually I can get on with a piece of written work with no problem. For some reason this one “tripped me up”. I didn’t have a clue what to put. I kind of knew what I wanted to say, because as all of you know I am a very opinionated person and I will argue the toss about anything.

I feel more confident with the second one. The first one to me was slightly wishy-washy in that there is no right or wrong answer. With this one it is all based on facts, and figures which gives you something to talk about.

I found the colour space and compression lectures very interesting. At first it was difficult to get my head around, particularly the compression one. But I think I got there in the end and have learnt a lot from it! It will definitely come in useful for future assignments and indeed real life. This is where I complement Steve on giving such a good lecture; something that could be hard to understand is usually made simple by him.

Today, Steve asked us the question is the glass half full or half empty. Because of my negativity I would naturally answer with “Half Empty”. To me it says – why have half when you COULD have full. It is like the television advert about “or” and “and”, “or” makes you choose, why choose when you can have both, “and” says have both. It is the same principal. Why take substandard, you should have the maximum you can have!

Tonight I have been trying to work out the colour profiles in Photoshop. I have been trying to calibrate everything so my printer can produce near match printouts. I haven’t had much luck in that though, so if anyone can suggest anything that maybe of help. Has anyone had any experience with this?


Greg Carrick said...

I’m very surprised you found it hard to write the essay, I would have thought you’d have found it hard to keep it under the word limit!

I have to agree with you, Steve does do very good lectures and makes hard topics, easy to understand. I really appreciate how much work Steve put into creating all the presentations and how much thought he puts in to make it understandable. Thanks Steve.

Tom Smith said...

I'd firstly like to say how much I agree with what's being said about Steve... it's clear a lot of time and commitment are put into his lectures, and in fact every part of the course. It's rare to have a tutor with such commitment! Cheers Steve!

I know what you mean about the last lecture being hard to write. Coming to conclusion was very difficult, and now I've written it, I don't want to read back over it because I know I'll end up arguing with myself!

The new one though, isn't just based on facts or figures; to a certain extent, opinion matters. What you may consider to be an OK image quality may not be the same for others. Again, this may become quite an opinionated essay, and some opinion-based decisions will have to made.

I'm quite looking forward to writing it though.

Julian Dyer said...

The answer to the Artist vs Designer essay is… that there isn’t really an answer. You could never really separate the two out, as there are heavily intertwined. The exercise is more about putting down your arguments and coming to some kind of solution, but not a definitive one. Which of the two would you say that you are most like? This is the kind of thing you will have to evaluate throughout the essay. Say a bit about one side of the argument, say a bit about the other and then conclude on which you agree most with.

As for the setting up colour profile, my advice is not to bother. You’ll never get what you see on screen to print out exactly the same. Reverting for defaults and leaving it like that is really all you need to do. To get a professional setup, you’d probably need a different type of monitor as well as calibration software like Huey. Basically, it would cost a fortune to go down that route.

Andrew said...
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Anonymous said...

Bloody hell Julian!

Gary, Greg and Tom were beginning to develop the perfect SAT [Steve Appreciation Thread]. Then you go and hijack it with practical, relevant and insightful advice on coursework. Sheesh.

Feel free to resume the compliments - but don't forget John too.

Gary Benn said...

Steve: Maybe we just want higher grades? ;)

only kidding

I put a spider thing on my apple monitors and now they are calibrated they just look darker!

I wish you could get CMYK monitors but i know its impossible.

If you think about it i think its impossible to match a printer to the screens. As RGB depends on the black on the screen and printers cant print on black paper. Also with RGB I don't know how to explain it, but the colour is kind of being fired at the screen where as when you look at a print out its the opposite, the sunlight bounces off the paper (if that makes sense). Oh and of course a screen is backlit.

Suzanne Hullah said...

Aside from the SAT that appears to be happening here. I find this second essay easier than the first one to the point where i may write too much.

You had some very valid points on your first essay and an honest opinion. It was really well written!

John Browne said...

Personaly I dont think that designers and artists do over lap. I beleive that its all in the impression of the individual, whether they have a high level of precision with every thing they do or whether they're a free spirit who express them selves through how they act.

On a second note, bring some high scores this way steve. Ive a feeling I could do with some :P

Liam Corfield said...

As when we were having the discussion in the library, i think you looking too far into the glass half full thing. it isnt something that goes into much detail. i am also shocked about you having "Writers Block" with the essay, bu then agin, starting it is the hardest part.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.