Tuesday, 2 October 2007

One week to go.

This week has been significantly stress free, regardless of the fact that it only one week until the deadline. Well at least the first deadline. I feel slightly more confident that I am going to get this finished now. I think the more creative design side of things has taken the stress away. I can take the stress out on the design rather than my written work.

I have gotten well on with the screen design today having started last night in my self study. It took a little longer than I had expected as I was just learning how InDesign works. As usually I wanted to be different and use InDesign. But it works and I have it at home to continue working in my self study. I feel that it easier to pick up than PageMaker.

However nothing could have prepared me for the complete lack of knowledge of time scales when I got at college. I had originally budgeted for 2 hours for the completion of my first screen design. Before I knew it the day was almost over. I do feel I have made great progress on it though.
The problem I have with this sort of work is perfectionism. I need it perfect, in every way, shape or form - Millimetre perfect. But when you see the finished piece you can't help but notice the amount of precision and effort has gone into a design.

Tasks for next week:
All I really need to do now is pull things altogether, finish the odd bits and check through it for obvious errors.

I will be using this weeks self study time for:
  • Assets list
  • Contact form Screen Design
  • Budget Statement


Greg Carrick said...

After seeing your work I can defiantly tell how much effort has gone into it.

Liam Corfield said...

I agree about InDesign, i started trying it on Wednesday and i can honestly says it is defiantly easer that Page maker, although, as we progress through the year we may have to use it to create different things, thus using different tool, that will be the tricky part.

Gary Benn said...

Thankyou Greg for your kind words.

yes, as Steve has been hinting about having to use InDesign, I thought I may as well learn it now.

It would appear there is alot more powerful tools in it too, if you look.