Thursday, 11 October 2007

Is the pressure on yet?

Today I am going to take a little different approach to my journal entry than I have previously. I usually use it as a place to moan and groan about the work and my stress levels. But this week I am feeling so much better about my work. It is good to see it fully in the assignment template with all (Some of) the references included. It makes it look a lot more professional.

I have had a lot of time this week to really get going on it and I think It will pay off.

One week to deadline and I’m not stressed. I can’t believe it. I think this course has given me a reality check and forced me to wake up and do some work. A LOT MORE WORK – compared to my previous course last year.

Today was our fake deadline which I think helped a great deal and without it I think many people would refer on this unit. Some of the things that were brought up in it were valid and obvious once they had been pointed out. Even thought they were small – almost silly things they could still cost you your assignment.

I made quite a few notes in this session of things that I need to complete before the hand in. I think as a personal goal I am going to try and get everything done by Saturday evening, leaving me to read through it YET AGAIN on Sunday to check for more silly errors and identify weak points, in need of improvement.

Then hopefully unless Steve pops something up on Monday or in the weekly email that we haven’t done and needs to be done in addition to the work we have been working on, Monday should be stress free, allowing me to check through my evaluation draft and make amendments where necessary.

I think the only low point of the week was Monday morning. For 1.5 hours we had an exercise from Steve getting us to think up all the barriers in the way of electronic communication methods. This was brought on by people still not replying to emails. It has been hinted that if people don’t reply this week, it will happen again, so please reply – we need every last minute we can get to do our assignment!

The thing I am most worried about is the evaluation. I have never been any good with evaluations. But hopefully the things on my blog will be a help.


Greg Carrick said...

I defiantly think that the fake deadline was a real help and it showed me quite a few silly mistakes I’d made.

Suzanne Hullah said...

Completely agree with the emails dilemma. Hopefully everyone will respond to the one that Steve has sent today, I would also prefer to spend time on my assignment ready for tuesdays hand in.

John Browne said...

For your evaluation part, it may have been a good idea to evaluate each part after completing it. This way you can exlain the fresh things in your mind rather then having to think about it or refering to your blog entries.

Thomas Wealthy said...

Defiantly agree with the email dilemma. I think we all need to need to reply to the emails to avoid another lecture on emailing and why it’s important. I think we will all need to have a stress free Monday in the run up to the deadline.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Gary,

Nice to see a bit more of a positive feel to your entry this week.

I feel I have to side with you over the email situation. I hope that everyone takes note and ensures that not only is a reply sent but the requests are followed through... we do not want a repeat performance!

You seam to be handling this whole project very well.

Drop me an email if you want anything reading over.

Tom Smith said...

I also felt Monday morning was the low point of the week. To have to spend time that could be better spent talking about something as simple as emails really got to me... it's such a simple issue and shouldn't cause such a problem.

Hopefully it won't be a problem that'll arise again.

Webomatic said...

You have the same feelings as me, and yes the email thing is anoying my emails are still playing up but i am off with john on monday

Anonymous said...

Tom: "Hopefully it won't be a problem that'll arise again."

Sorry, but it has ... again.

But please bear in mind it's not just the lack of response ... it's the quality of response too.

Perhaps it's time for one or two of you to start expressing your frustrations to the group in general on Mondays or Tuesdays.

As I've said before, it's always a good time management strategy to regard the morning as mine for lectures/learning etc. That doesn't change just because we're close to a deadline.

Gary Benn said...

It would be nice to let the PERFECT students, leave the room and do something useful!