Tuesday, 13 January 2009

PHP Resources

PHP 5 in easy steps. Book explaining the functions of PHP and MySQL in easy steps, going from very simple tutorials to more advanced functions.

Holds a wealth of information regarding php, including functions, downloads links and resources.

Tutorials for SQL, tests, resources and quizzes

Contains many PHP tutorials

A community aimed at self learners offering tutorials for just about anything. There are hundreds of php tutorials.

Introduction to php including step by step tutorials.

The PHP Anthology
After using sitepoint’s CSS book which is very useful I will be using “The PHP Anthology”.

Learning PHP3

“Learning PHP5 is the ideal tutorial for graphic designers”. Begins with a soft introduction moving to more advanced features.


You can sign up for a free trial of Oreilly's Safari service and read their books for free online.

Video tutorial website. The tutorials assume you have no programming experience therefore you learn from the very basics up, by creating a foundation to work on.

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