Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Well this week has certainly been very stressful. Even though there was so much to do I still managed to get it more or less on the way. I would have found it impossible if I hadn’t worked all last night getting the rough information down on paper. I was up until 2 in the morning. If that wasn’t bad enough, my turmoil was not over there!

At 9am there was an hour of very intense idea generation exercises. Producing banners under very tight time restrictions. The times were ranging from between one minute per design and 15 seconds per design. I did find it useful however id would not choose to do it again at 9AM! It certainly got creative side going.

Today I have started the banner advertisements and I think I should get them finished this week as I have almost finished the first; which I consider to be the most “awkward” due to its shape and size. I just have some tweaks to make and then ill post it up here for you all to comment on.

Today it has been talked about more that there could be a possibility of a 24 hour assignment – meaning in the room for 24 hours solid. I think this would be a great idea and would show us how the industry really does have to work at times. We would also be able to see how people work under both pleasure and temptation to sleep. There is a poll for FIRST YEARS to post on if u wish!

Thank you for all your comments on my screen designs. They have been very useful and I have taken note and amended my work. I will post updates soon.

Until then, thank you and good night. (In true Trevor McDonald talk)


Suzanne Hullah said...

I really like the idea of a 24 hour assignment opposed to an assignment through the summer holidays. Afterall, in the industry you could find yourself staying up all night to get work completed, therefore we'll have an insight by doing this.

Tom Smith said...

I agree with Sue. And plus, if we do a 24 hour assignment, it would mean a longer break over the summer with not much to do... which is awesome!

Liam Corfield said...

I also think that a 24 hour assignment is a good idea. there are only 2 problems, getting permission from the college to do this, and getting everyone in the class to agree to do it.

Greg Carrick said...

I agree a 24 hour assignment would be a good idea. It would be interesting to see how everyone works when their tired and I would like to know if I could accomplish it!

Michelle Bonfield said...

I'm more than happy to partake in the 24 hour assignment. In fact on reflection I'm happy to go for a 32 hour assignment every week, then have the rest of the week free?!

In reality though I'm not too sure if Steve has a big enough pair of scissors, to cut through all the red tape which setting it up would entail.

Maybe there is a compromise somewhere? Everyone agreeing to be online between certain times in the holidays. Then completing a full design assignment at home, gaining and acting on feedback etc.?

Shaun Bellis said...

24hrs assignment GREAT IDEA!

I have already expressed a strong interest in this during class.

I can see where Michelle is coming from though with the red tape, however, if people are at home i don't think that it would have the same affect.

Just remember how well we all worked during the timed assignments in class; I am pretty sure that we would be unable to maintain that kind of motivation and drive at home.

As you all know very late nights [am bed times] followed by early mornings are no stranger to me; however we would have to sort something out transport wise as I do not feel it would be a good idea to try and drive home without having some sleep :-)

James Bell said...

I think the 24 hour assignment is a great and it is something I would really like to do if it possible.

I agree with you Shaun that it wouldn't be the same if we did the task at home.

Plus the temptation to sleep might take over I could see my bed!

Gary Benn said...

I notice the people apose to this idea have not expressed their feelings on the subject.

I don't think it would be a good idea to do it at home - there are too many distractions.

I also think 32 hours is slightly too much and would pay to see someone work for that amount of time with no sleep!

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.