Tuesday, 6 November 2007


Monday, to me, had been one of the hardest days so far on the course. Firstly with the presentations which turned out slightly better than I had first anticipated. I under shot the time limit but I don’t think it is of grave consequence this time. And but then came the stress that had been locked away behind the thoughts of presentation – Grades.

Although I passed I wasn’t sure how to react. Many people in the group took the grading differently; some positively and some negatively. If I am being honest with myself, I am not entirely happy with the given grade. This is not however, disappointment for being awarded an “Entry level” grade. I never aimed or anticipated anything higher. I just feel somewhat emotionless about the subject, numb.

If I had been rewarded a higher grade for this assignment I would have been more displeased, as I see the pass as being a push in the right direction, a stepping stone. If I had received a distinction at this early stage, the only way I could go for assignments hereafter is down.

I would also have felt some guilt in that some other members of the group didn’t achieve the grade they were expecting or wanting. I think this is the primary reason for the groups overall mood and awkwardness. The way I see it and how I have always worked is to not think about the grade until it has been handed in and “finished”, I will try on every piece of work I do to fulfil every piece of the basic and extended criteria to the best of my ability.

It is once the assignment is handed in the anxiety will kick in. I don’t build myself up to trap myself in a false sense of comfort. I simply think the worst in everything. I know it is a bland way to look at life, as most people who know me at length, or indeed who have only spent a short period of time observing me, that I have a very negative look on life and everything around me. As I always like to say – “Life is just a build up to death”. It is not just some immature comment I thought up, it is a philosophy, which I don’t quite understand yet. I guess what I am trying to say is if you are confident you will receive a high grade - take a distinction for example; if the worst should happen then there is further to fall. In my case I prepare for the worst and I cannot be as upset or disappointed. This is not to be seen as I wont try; I just don’t get my hopes up too high.

Tuesday was a strange day; I found out that I had produced my first assignment in first person. I was shocked. From what I interpreted from Steve this is one of the biggest places where I slipped up. That kind of thing even though school always tripped me up; I don’t fully know the difference between the two parties. This was also mixed into something, which I have taken as a complement so I am easy about it. I guess this is one thing I shall endeavour not to be a repeating any time soon.

Today I have been in a state of confusion with the first essay. I would have been able to conquer the task in a matter of minutes if it was just an opinionated response to the statement. To me art is design, we design art. And I know I am going to get a list of comments which make me regret posting this but I have spent five years being educated in the field of art and there is not that much difference in my opinion. Look around us everything we see has been design and almost everything started as an artistic view or idea.

The thing which is causing me to trip up is the illustration and comparisons of The Designers Republic. After spending the afternoon researching I have not found anything with specific relevance.

I think today is the only time I have ever been “stumped” by a written assignment. Usually after a few hours I can get on track and have the fist draft completed. This one is different; it is tripping me up. I have never produced a illustrated essay in which has such an effect on the outcome of my future, if I am being honest with myself I don’t think I have ever known the real meaning on an illustrated essay.


Anonymous said...

Illustrated essay ... simply providing visual examples of what you're talking about. For example, your competitive analysis 'illustrated' by showing screenshots of the websites.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I can completely understanding the 'stumped' feeling you had when trying to begin your essay. After just one sentence I too was stuck on how to word my thoughts and feelings about the topic given to us. And it took me the best part of ten minutes to come up with that one sentence.

Hopefully we won't have writers block during the course of this week so that we can get our essays done for next week!

Thomas Wealthy said...

I too have found the first task quite a hard one to debate whether we are artists, designers or both. I personally think that we are designers. But after yesterdays discussions I know have a broader way of thinking.

I also have to say we missed you yesterday for that debate as your insight would have been inspiring! On Tuesday I did some research and found a forum where people were discussing, are we artists or are we designers? The links are on my journal if you want to take a look.

Tom Smith said...

Gary, I don't think your outlook of preparing for the worst is a negative one; but a sensible one. If we were to always expect the best life would be a constant disappointment. Not expecting the best though, shouldn't mean we don't aspire to get the best.

In terms of struggling to know where to start, I found it useful to spend a day concentrating on getting some work done for A3. This meant I could let the whole 'Artist' vs. 'Designer' thing sink into my head. I now feel I know exactly what it is I want to write about, and have a vague structure in mind.

It's sometimes useful to take a step back!

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Gary

I think that this week has been very strange for all of us.

You seam to have a very unique out look towards things. I can see where you are coming from, however, the hope that I have done well and the dissapointment that I havn't further fuels my desire to succeed.

I am really pleased that you passed and please do not worry about how you react to that. You deserve to be happy about it.

Thank you Steve for the further explination of the illustated essay. Refering (not my fav word at the minute) us back to the screen shots we did previously also added clarity.

"It's better to be an optimist who is sometimes wrong than a pessimist who is always right"


Shaun Bellis

Greg Carrick said...

I too, am having problems with writing the essay. I’ve never been any good at sharing my thoughts and feelings on things and find it even harder to write them down.

I think I might take up Tom Smiths approach and take a look at A3.

Webomatic said...

Hi Gary

I would like to say, the word “Numb” might be how you felt, but I think you can only look forward to the future and try to make a better go in the next assignment, I’m not sure what the standard of grading was in your last course, but it was very different in mine which, is the reason I am still adapting, I’m sure that you will feel allot better once the next assignment has been handed in.

Also when the room went silent I guess it did give everyone a sharp shock, but it was an emotional time for most I guess. I’m sure that we will all do better on the next assignment, I just hope that everyone is feeling allot better about it now than they was on Monday.

Thanks, Martyn

James Bell said...

I think that starting an essay is always the most difficult thing but once you get going it is often difficult to stop.

The best advise I can give for starting an essay is to try and narrow down the subject into smaller points and then expanding on them, much like when giving a presentation.

Suzanne Hullah said...

Hi Gary,
I've managed to progress slightly further since we last spoke. My word count is now nearer the 300 mark than 3! But like you, I'm also wanting to include images that are inspirational to me and have relevant to the topic that I will be discussing.

I've printed some off that I liked and have stuck them in my sketchbook, but I'm not sure yet as to whether these will be included in my essay as well. They may not be relevant.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.