Tuesday, 11 September 2007


This week has been surprisingly healthier than I had first imagined. It is always an anxious time when it comes to receiving my first assignment. When reading through the brief as a group discussion I was fearsome about the amount of work there was to do. This fear was toned down slightly after our first seminar group. I don’t know what it was I was worried about. I was kind of befuddled by it all. It has been years since I have conducted a professional assignment that contains so much written work. It wasn’t so much the amount of words that tripped me up so to speak, as from past experience I know that 2500 words was not a lot at all, but in actual fact I know I will struggle to refine it down and for it actually still make sense. After seeing an example assignment in the seminar group it really eased off the anxiety. I don’t know why, I suppose that it could be part of seeing what I am on the runway towards producing.

After 2 days of research I for some reason have feeling energy less, and faced with lack of motivation. I had expected to be research but not this much all at once I think it would be beneficial to me to spread it out over the week rather than do it all in one big chunk. This moves onto my time management skills; if I have feelings of lack of motivation then it would be weakness to continue. Instead I will work into my sketch book working with design ideas and visually stimulating sketches. I am not although oblivious to the advantages of research, and don’t think it is bad; I just need to focus on it and spread it out over greater periods of time.

From past courses I have been made to create almost a scrapbook style sketchbook which I am glad to see continue. Finding anything that could be remotely relevant and sticking it into the book and analyzing it. I feel this is a great way to produce motivation and to be used as a springboard to aim higher. It also gives you extra knowledge of what is going off in the world of design.

Things I need to my goals for next week:

  • More productive research
  • Finding more inspiration material for sketchbook
  • Improve on time management

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